Driving Instructors Wanted
As our reputation for quality spreads, we need more like-minded Instructors to join the ClickDrive Team.
Right now we'd particularly like to hear from Instructors covering:-
- Bedford
- Hitchin/Letchworth/Bigglewade/Sandy
- Stevenage/ Welwyn Garden City
We've got the recipe for success, if you've got the right ingredients!
You'll have access to FREE and UNLIMITED new pupils and also the use of our fleet of SPARE CARS if yours is off the road.
We'll show you EVERYTHING you need to know to be full to capacity. You'll need excellent communication skills, a great sense of humour and a REAL desire to be the best.
If you're prepared to work hard in an honest, organised manner then we'll teach you everything you need to know to become a really successful ClickDrive Instructor.
At £75/wk, our Franchise is probably the most competitive & attractive in the industry.
Customers are your life blood; we want you to value them and take excellent care of them. We actively seek feedback from all pupils. If pupil feedback indicates that an Instructor is not meeting our high standards, we investigate thoroughly. If appropriate, further training will be provided to help that instructor meet our high standards. If an Instructor is unwilling or unable to reach our standards, he/she will lose their ClickDrive Franchise. THAT IS OUR ULTIMATE GUARANTEE OF QUALITY.

The ClickDrive model for generating new pupils works fantastically well
When I was deciding to become a Driving Instructor, I was attracted to being my own boss and in charge of my own destiny. It was also important to me that I could influence youngsters to drive in a responsible and safe manner. When I was researching in to driving instructor training providers, I spoke to several companies, but most seemed more interested in my money than in me!
Now that I am a fully qualified Driving Instructor, I like the flexibility of being able to take a day off when I like, although it must be borne in mind that customer availability does influence working hours to some extent. When choosing a driving school to work with, it was very important to me that they were honest. ClickDrive have delivered this. I have always felt that both myself and my pupils have been treated honestly, fairly and professionally.
The ClickDrive model for generating new pupils works fantastically well. By working to the ClickDrive business plan, I get the vast majority of my pupils coming to me directly, but if ever I need more they are always available from the office… It's a bit like having a fail-safe parachute! It's great in that ClickDrive leave me alone to run my own business, they don't interfere but they are always there if ever I have any problems and everything is always dealt with quickly.
The franchise package with ClickDrive offers great value for money. The ClickDrive business model really works, and I value the availability of replacement cars, help and support, documentation, advice and my colleagues covering driving tests for me if I'm ill. I would definitely recommend ClickDrive to other driving instructors and those looking to become a driving instructor. ClickDrive are interested in the driving instructor, not just money. I don't feel like just another number in a bigger company and ClickDrive has managed to keep the family feel as it has grown.
Our Franchise
As an Authorised ClickDrive Franchisee, we will give you ALL the tools you need to become a truly successful driving instructor.
Here at ClickDrive we give you almost complete freedom to pick your own tuition car (as long as it's a relatively small hatchback, obviously!). This means that you get to choose what car you want to drive, how many miles you want to do in it, and when you replace it… Maximum flexibility efficiency for our instructors!
We will give you all the help, knowledge and expertise to become an excellent Driving Instructor. The standard approach to teaching is ABSOLUTELY NOT the best approach. The goal is that you become so well-known for being so good at what you do, that you'll get plenty of recommendations to keep your diary permanently full.
You will have full access to a replacement car in the event you have a problem with your own car. If anything goes wrong with your car you should be on your way in a spare car in anything from 1-3 hours.
Pupils. We'll give you the pupils you need to get going, AND all the marketing & support materials that you need to maintain a full diary. Customers are your life blood; we want you to value them and take excellent care of them. If you need more pupils at any stage, simply let us know.
NO MINIMUM CONTRACT LENGTH. If we don't do what we say we're going to do, you're free to leave at any time and take your pupils with you. Unlike most other driving schools, we won't tie you into a one-sided contract that results in us making money while you go bust!! We are extremely good at what we do and that is why our instructors choose to stay with us. If this was not the case every single ClickDrive instructor could choose to leave tomorrow, but none of them do :-)
You'll need to get your car kitted-out with ClickDrive graphics, the cost of which ClickDrive Ltd will pay for. The graphics are professionally-applied vinyl and can be removed at any time without affecting the paintwork in any way.
£75 per week, 2 Franchise-Free weeks in years 1 & 2, 3 weeks in year 3, 4 weeks in year 4.
In addition to your annual franchise-free entitlement, you will be eligible to an ADDITIONAL 6 weeks if you introduce another driving instructor… And you will get this extra six weeks EVERY year that the instructor you have introduced remains with ClickDrive.
If this sounds like its just what you're looking for, then please contact us!